Sunday, November 11, 2012


I just made these peacock cookies for a baby shower.  I found a tutorial for these on Flour Box Bakery's blog.  Aren't they pretty!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday, September 28, 2012


These are some birthday party cookies I made for a friend this summer. 



Baby Shower Cookies

These are some baby shower cookies I made for a friend this summer.  Thanks to Pinterest for some of the ideas. 

I really love the rattles and the bags of mini's. 




Monday, July 16, 2012

New Blog Title and Blueberries

I'm thinking about changing the name of my blog.  My husband thinks my title is way too long, and I think he's probably right.  I've changed it to "The Bluebonnet Patch" (for now).  I'm really not creative when it comes to things like titles. I have a few blueberry bushes I planted last spring and love any of my cookies that have bluebonnets on them, so I saw it fitting to change it to something with Blueberry in the title. 

Here's a picture of my HUGE harvest from last year. Not exactly enough to put up in the freezer or make jelly!  I picked about a handful every day for about 2 weeks last summer.  I was really surprised I picked as many as I did.  This year I picked about two pints.  I am so surprised that they did as well as they did last summer because of the dought.   It seems like the hotter it gets, the sweeter the blueberries.  If it were not so darn hard to plant the silly things I would have a few acres of them.  Our soil is not suitable, acid enough, for blueberries so we (or should I say my husband) has to dig a huge hole and we have to replace the dirt with peat moss and Azalea potting soil.  That reminds me, I need to get some more Azalea dirt and spread it around the blueberry plants this week so it can work down in to the soil.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Kermit The Frog Cookies

These Kermit cookies were so much fun to make!  I just love a fun theme.  I have  cookie cutters for a few other of the Sesame Street characters that I want to try out next. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

New Baby Shower Cookies

I love quilt cookies and have wanted to try making some for a long time.  I finally had a chance this week!    These were for a baby shower, and as luck would have it one of the pictures that was sent to me was a picture of a baby quilt and a picture of the invitation.   I took a little of this and that from the quilt and invitation and put them together and came up with these.

I think of all the cookies I have made and decorated, these are my favorite!

Friday, April 6, 2012


Here are a few pictures of some baby shower cookies I recently made.  I love the barnyard theme!

I was given a invitiation to the baby shower to copy.  I had to draw and hand cut a few of these.

Friday, February 3, 2012


These are past Valentine cookies.   A lot of these are stenciled, which is not an easy thing to do.  It's very easy to goof and ruin a stenciled cookie sooo I don't think I'll be doing many of those this year.  Right now I'm working on mini heart cookies.

I got the idea for the cookies in these two pictures from Cookie Crazie.  She is fantastic.


I'm just going nuts today posting pictures of cookies I've made in the past.  I won't be wordy here, because I need to hurry and get these posted so I can get busy baking Valentine cookies. 

This is a pretty big cookie.  I think about 6 inches tall.



The above picture of the chicks in the eggs were stenciled.  I thought I was so smart stenciling, but it's not as easy as it looks.